The Prince and The Pauper

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Let the small varlet be stripped and flung into the Tower."  
But the new King, the true King, said--  
"I will not have it so. But for him I had not got my crown again--none  
shall lay a hand upon him to harm him. And as for thee, my good uncle,  
my Lord Protector, this conduct of thine is not grateful toward this poor  
lad, for I hear he hath made thee a duke"--the Protector blushed--"yet he  
was not a king; wherefore what is thy fine title worth now? To-morrow  
you shall sue to me, THROUGH HIM, for its confirmation, else no duke, but  
a simple earl, shalt thou remain."  
Under this rebuke, his Grace the Duke of Somerset retired a little from  
the front for the moment. The King turned to Tom, and said kindly--"My  
poor boy, how was it that you could remember where I hid the Seal when I  
could not remember it myself?"  
Ah, my King, that was easy, since I used it divers days."  
Used it--yet could not explain where it was?"  
I did not know it was THAT they wanted. They did not describe it, your  

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