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Som far off hallow break the silent Air.
2. Bro: Me thought so too; what should it be?
Eld. Bro: For certain
Either som one like us night-founder'd here,
Or els som neighbour Wood-man, or at worst,
Som roaving robber calling to his fellows.
2. Bro: Heav'n keep my sister, agen agen and neer,
Best draw, and stand upon our guard.
Eld. Bro: Ile hallow,
If he be friendly he comes well, if not,
Defence is a good cause, and Heav'n be for us.
[Enter] The attendant Spirit habited like a Shepherd.
That hallow I should know, what are you? speak;
Com not too neer, you fall on iron stakes else.
Spir: What voice is that, my young Lord? speak agen.
2. Bro: O brother, 'tis my father Shepherd sure.
Eld. Bro: Thyrsis? Whose artful strains have oft delaid
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