636 | 637 | 638 | 639 | 640 |
1 | 198 | 396 | 594 | 792 |
Who else is a-goin', lovey?' said Mrs. Cluppins, in an insinuating
Oh! Mrs. Rogers is a-goin',' replied Master Bardell, opening his eyes
very wide as he delivered the intelligence.
What? The lady as has taken the lodgings!' ejaculated Mrs. Cluppins.
Master Bardell put his hands deeper down into his pockets, and
nodded exactly thirty-five times, to imply that it was the lady-lodger,
and no other.
'Bless us!' said Mrs. Cluppins. 'It's quite a party!'
Ah, if you knew what was in the cupboard, you'd say so,' replied
Master Bardell.
What is there, Tommy?' said Mrs. Cluppins coaxingly. 'You'll tell ME,
Tommy, I know.' 'No, I won't,' replied Master Bardell, shaking his
head, and applying himself to the bottom step again.
'Drat the child!' muttered Mrs. Cluppins. 'What a prowokin' little
wretch it is! Come, Tommy, tell your dear Cluppy.'
Mother said I wasn't to,' rejoined Master Bardell, 'I'm a-goin' to have
some, I am.' Cheered by this prospect, the precocious boy applied
himself to his infantile treadmill, with increased vigour.
The above examination of a child of tender years took place while Mr
and Mrs. Raddle and the cab-driver were having an altercation
concerning the fare, which, terminating at this point in favour of the
cabman, Mrs. Raddle came up tottering.
'Lauk, Mary Ann! what's the matter?' said Mrs. Cluppins.
It's put me all over in such a tremble, Betsy,' replied Mrs. Raddle.
Raddle ain't like a man; he leaves everythink to me.'
This was scarcely fair upon the unfortunate Mr Raddle, who had been
thrust aside by his good lady in the commencement of the dispute,
and peremptorily commanded to hold his tongue. He had no
opportunity of defending himself, however, for Mrs. Raddle gave
unequivocal signs of fainting; which, being perceived from the parlour
window, Mrs. Bardell, Mrs. Sanders, the lodger, and the lodger's
servant, darted precipitately out, and conveyed her into the house, all
talking at the same time, and giving utterance to various expressions
of pity and condolence, as if she were one of the most suffering
mortals on earth. Being conveyed into the front parlour, she was there
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