587 | 588 | 589 | 590 | 591 |
1 | 198 | 396 | 594 | 792 |
'Yes, I HAVE seen 'em, sir, and they're a-comin' to-morrow, and wos
wery much surprised to hear they warn't to come to-day,' replied Sam.
'You have brought the things I wanted?'
Mr Weller in reply pointed to various packages which he had
arranged, as neatly as he could, in a corner of the room.
'Very well, Sam,' said Mr Pickwick, after a little hesitation; 'listen to
what I am going to say, Sam.'
Cert'nly, Sir,' rejoined Mr Weller; 'fire away, Sir.'
I have felt from the first, Sam,' said Mr Pickwick, with much
solemnity, 'that this is not the place to bring a young man to.'
'Nor an old 'un neither, Sir,' observed Mr Weller. 'You're quite right,
Sam,' said Mr Pickwick; 'but old men may come here through their
own heedlessness and unsuspicion, and young men may be brought
here by the selfishness of those they serve. It is better for those young
men, in every point of view, that they should not remain here. Do you
understand me, Sam?'
Vy no, Sir, I do NOT,' replied Mr Weller doggedly.
Try, Sam,' said Mr Pickwick.
Vell, sir,' rejoined Sam, after a short pause, 'I think I see your drift;
and if I do see your drift, it's my 'pinion that you're a- comin' it a great
deal too strong, as the mail-coachman said to the snowstorm, ven it
overtook him.'
'I see you comprehend me, Sam,' said Mr Pickwick. 'Independently of
my wish that you should not be idling about a place like this, for years
to come, I feel that for a debtor in the Fleet to be attended by his
manservant is a monstrous absurdity. Sam,' said Mr Pickwick, 'for a
time you must leave me.'
Oh, for a time, eh, sir?'rejoined Mr Weller. rather sarcastically.
Yes, for the time that I remain here,' said Mr Pickwick. 'Your wages I
shall continue to pay. Any one of my three friends will be happy to
take you, were it only out of respect to me. And if I ever do leave this
place, Sam,' added Mr Pickwick, with assumed cheerfulness - 'if I do, I
pledge you my word that you shall return to me instantly.'
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