580 | 581 | 582 | 583 | 584 |
1 | 198 | 396 | 594 | 792 |
mutilated crockery, and bellows without nozzles, and toasting-forks
without prongs, do present somewhat of an uncomfortable appearance
when they are scattered about the floor of a small apartment, which is
the common sitting and sleeping room of three idle men.
'I suppose this can be managed somehow,' said the butcher, after a
pretty long silence. 'What will you take to go out?' 'I beg your pardon,'
replied Mr Pickwick. 'What did you say? I hardly understand you.'
What will you take to be paid out?' said the butcher. 'The regular
chummage is two-and-six. Will you take three bob?'
'And a bender,' suggested the clerical gentleman.
Well, I don't mind that; it's only twopence a piece more,' said Mr
Martin. 'What do you say, now? We'll pay you out for three-and-
sixpence a week. Come!'
And stand a gallon of beer down,' chimed in Mr Simpson. 'There!'
And drink it on the spot,' said the chaplain. 'Now!'
I really am so wholly ignorant of the rules of this place,' returned Mr
Pickwick, 'that I do not yet comprehend you. Can I live anywhere else?
I thought I could not.'
At this inquiry Mr Martin looked, with a countenance of excessive
surprise, at his two friends, and then each gentleman pointed with his
right thumb over his left shoulder. This action imperfectly described in
words by the very feeble term of 'over the left,' when performed by any
number of ladies or gentlemen who are accustomed to act in unison,
has a very graceful and airy effect; its expression is one of light and
playful sarcasm.
'CAN you!' repeated Mr Martin, with a smile of pity.
Well, if I knew as little of life as that, I'd eat my hat and swallow the
buckle whole,' said the clerical gentleman.
So would I,' added the sporting one solemnly.
After this introductory preface, the three chums informed Mr
Pickwick, in a breath, that money was, in the Fleet, just what money
was out of it; that it would instantly procure him almost anything he
desired; and that, supposing he had it, and had no objection to spend
it, if he only signified his wish to have a room to himself, he might
take possession of one, furnished and fitted to boot, in half an hour's
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