540 | 541 | 542 | 543 | 544 |
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Well,' said Mary, 'I never did!'
O' course not,' said Sam, 'and nobody never did, nor never vill
neither; and here am I a-walkin' about like the wandering Jew - a
sportin' character you have perhaps heerd on Mary, my dear, as vos
alvays doin' a match agin' time, and never vent to sleep - looking arter
this here Miss Arabella Allen.'
Miss who?' said Mary, in great astonishment.
Miss Arabella Allen,' said Sam.
Goodness gracious!' said Mary, pointing to the garden door which the
sulky groom had locked after him. 'Why, it's that very house; she's
been living there these six weeks. Their upper house- maid, which is
lady's-maid too, told me all about it over the wash-house palin's
before the family was out of bed, one mornin'.'
Wot, the wery next door to you?' said Sam.
The very next,' replied Mary.
Mr Weller was so deeply overcome on receiving this intelligence that
he found it absolutely necessary to cling to his fair informant for
support; and divers little love passages had passed between them,
before he was sufficiently collected to return to the subject.
Vell,' said Sam at length, 'if this don't beat cock-fightin' nothin' never
vill, as the lord mayor said, ven the chief secretary o' state proposed
his missis's health arter dinner. That wery next house! Wy, I've got a
message to her as I've been a-trying all day to deliver.'
Ah,' said Mary, 'but you can't deliver it now, because she only walks
in the garden in the evening, and then only for a very little time; she
never goes out, without the old lady.'
Sam ruminated for a few moments, and finally hit upon the following
plan of operations; that he should return just at dusk - the time at
which Arabella invariably took her walk - and, being admitted by Mary
into the garden of the house to which she belonged, would contrive to
scramble up the wall, beneath the overhanging boughs of a large pear-
tree, which would effectually screen him from observation; would
there deliver his message, and arrange, if possible, an interview on
behalf of Mr Winkle for the ensuing evening at the same hour. Having
made this arrangement with great despatch, he assisted Mary in the
long-deferred occupation of shaking the carpets.
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