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Sam thought he might as well talk to this groom as to any one else,
especially as he was very tired with walking, and there was a good
large stone just opposite the wheel-barrow; so he strolled down the
lane, and, seating himself on the stone, opened a conversation with
the ease and freedom for which he was remarkable.
Mornin', old friend,' said Sam.
Arternoon, you mean,' replied the groom, casting a surly look at Sam.
You're wery right, old friend,' said Sam; 'I DO mean arternoon. How
are you?'
'Why, I don't find myself much the better for seeing of you,' replied the
ill-tempered groom.
That's wery odd - that is,' said Sam, 'for you look so uncommon
cheerful, and seem altogether so lively, that it does vun's heart good to
see you.'
The surly groom looked surlier still at this, but not sufficiently so to
produce any effect upon Sam, who immediately inquired, with a
countenance of great anxiety, whether his master's name was not
No, it ain't,' said the groom.
Nor Brown, I s'pose?' said Sam.
No, it ain't.'
Nor Vilson?'
No; nor that @ither,' said the groom.
Vell,' replied Sam, 'then I'm mistaken, and he hasn't got the honour o'
my acquaintance, which I thought he had. Don't wait here out o'
compliment to me,' said Sam, as the groom wheeled in the barrow,
and prepared to shut the gate. 'Ease afore ceremony, old boy; I'll
excuse you.'
'I'd knock your head off for half-a-crown,' said the surly groom, bolting
one half of the gate.
Couldn't afford to have it done on those terms,' rejoined Sam. 'It 'ud
be worth a life's board wages at least, to you, and 'ud be cheap at that.
Make my compliments indoors. Tell 'em not to vait dinner for me, and
say they needn't mind puttin' any by, for it'll be cold afore I come in.'
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