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Chapter XXXIII
Mr Weller The Elder Delivers Some Critical Sentiments
Respecting Literary Composition; And, Assisted By His Son
Samuel, Pays A Small Instalment Of Retaliation To The Account
Of The Reverend Gentleman With The Red Nose
The morning of the thirteenth of February, which the readers of this
authentic narrative know, as well as we do, to have been the day
immediately preceding that which was appointed for the trial of Mrs.
Bardell's action, was a busy time for Mr Samuel Weller, who was
perpetually engaged in travelling from the George and Vulture to Mr
Perker's chambers and back again, from and between the hours of
nine o'clock in the morning and two in the afternoon, both inclusive.
Not that there was anything whatever to be done, for the consultation
had taken place, and the course of proceeding to be adopted, had
been finally determined on; but Mr Pickwick being in a most extreme
state of excitement, persevered in constantly sending small notes to
his attorney, merely containing the inquiry, 'Dear Perker. Is all going
on well?' to which Mr Perker invariably forwarded the reply, 'Dear
Pickwick. As well as possible'; the fact being, as we have already
hinted, that there was nothing whatever to go on, either well or ill,
until the sitting of the court on the following morning.
But people who go voluntarily to law, or are taken forcibly there, for
the first time, may be allowed to labour under some temporary
irritation and anxiety; and Sam, with a due allowance for the frailties
of human nature, obeyed all his master's behests with that
imperturbable good-humour and unruffable composure which formed
one of his most striking and amiable characteristics.
Sam had solaced himself with a most agreeable little dinner, and was
waiting at the bar for the glass of warm mixture in which Mr Pickwick
had requested him to drown the fatigues of his morning's walks, when
a young boy of about three feet high, or thereabouts, in a hairy cap
and fustian overalls, whose garb bespoke a laudable ambition to
attain in time the elevation of an hostler, entered the passage of the
George and Vulture, and looked first up the stairs, and then along the
passage, and then into the bar, as if in search of somebody to whom
he bore a commission; whereupon the barmaid, conceiving it not
improbable that the said commission might be directed to the tea or
table spoons of the establishment, accosted the boy with -
'Now, young man, what do you want?'
Is there anybody here, named Sam?' inquired the youth, in a loud
voice of treble quality.
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