491 | 492 | 493 | 494 | 495 |
1 | 133 | 265 | 398 | 530 |
been very kind - that, in a letter received a few days before, he had
dwelt upon them from first to last, and had told such a tale of their
wandering, and mutual love, that few could read it without being
moved to tears. How he, the recipient of that letter, was directly led to
the belief that these must be the very wanderers for whom so much
search had been made, and whom Heaven had directed to his
brother's care. How he had written for such further information as
would put the fact beyond all doubt; how it had that morning arrived;
had confirmed his first impression into a certainty; and was the
immediate cause of that journey being planned, which they were to
take to-morrow.
'In the meantime,' said the old gentleman rising, and laying his hand
on Kit's shoulder, 'you have a great need of rest; for such a day as this
would wear out the strongest man. Good night, and Heaven send our
journey may have a prosperous ending!'
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