338 | 339 | 340 | 341 | 342 |
1 | 133 | 265 | 398 | 530 |
from his face, and rendering it, as far as it afforded any index to his
mood or meaning, a perfect blank.
Mr Quilp,' said the single gentleman.
The dwarf put his hand to his great flapped ear, and counterfeited the
closest attention.
We two have met before - '
Surely,' cried Quilp, nodding his head. 'Oh surely, sir. Such an
honour and pleasure - it's both, Christopher's mother, it's both - is
not to be forgotten so soon. By no means!'
'You may remember that the day I arrived in London, and found the
house to which I drove, empty and deserted, I was directed by some of
the neighbours to you, and waited upon you without stopping for rest
or refreshment?'
'How precipitate that was, and yet what an earnest and vigorous
measure!' said Quilp, conferring with himself, in imitation of his friend
Mr Sampson Brass.
I found,' said the single gentleman, 'you most unaccountably, in
possession of everything that had so recently belonged to another
man, and that other man, who up to the time of your entering upon
his property had been looked upon as affluent, reduced to sudden
beggary, and driven from house and home.'
We had warrant for what we did, my good sir,' rejoined Quilp, 'we had
our warrant. Don't say driven either. He went of his own accord -
vanished in the night, sir.'
No matter,' said the single gentleman angrily. 'He was gone.'
Yes, he was gone,' said Quilp, with the same exasperating composure.
No doubt he was gone. The only question was, where. And it's a
question still.'
'Now, what am I to think,' said the single gentleman, sternly regarding
him, 'of you, who, plainly indisposed to give me any information then -
nay, obviously holding back, and sheltering yourself with all kinds of
cunning, trickery, and evasion - are dogging my footsteps now?'
I dogging!' cried Quilp.
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