The Old Curiosity Shop

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'It's not far,' said the man. 'Shall I take you there? You were going to  
sleep upon cold bricks; I can give you a bed of warm ashes - nothing  
Without waiting for any further reply than he saw in their looks, he  
took Nell in his arms, and bade the old man follow.  
Carrying her as tenderly, and as easily too, as if she had been an  
infant, and showing himself both swift and sure of foot, he led the way  
through what appeared to be the poorest and most wretched quarter  
of the town; and turning aside to avoid the overflowing kennels or  
running waterspouts, but holding his course, regardless of such  
obstructions, and making his way straight through them. They had  
proceeded thus, in silence, for some quarter of an hour, and had lost  
sight of the glare to which he had pointed, in the dark and narrow  
ways by which they had come, when it suddenly burst upon them  
again, streaming up from the high chimney of a building close before  
This is the place,' he said, pausing at a door to put Nell down and  
take her hand. 'Don't be afraid. There's nobody here will harm you.'  
It needed a strong confidence in this assurance to induce them to  
enter, and what they saw inside did not diminish their apprehension  
and alarm. In a large and lofty building, supported by pillars of iron,  
with great black apertures in the upper walls, open to the external air;  
echoing to the roof with the beating of hammers and roar of furnaces,  
mingled with the hissing of red-hot metal plunged in water, and a  
hundred strange unearthly noises never heard elsewhere; in this  
gloomy place, moving like demons among the flame and smoke, dimly  
and fitfully seen, flushed and tormented by the burning fires, and  
wielding great weapons, a faulty blow from any one of which must  
have crushed some workman's skull, a number of men laboured like  
giants. Others, reposing upon heaps of coals or ashes, with their faces  
turned to the black vault above, slept or rested from their toil. Others  
again, opening the white-hot furnace-doors, cast fuel on the flames,  
which came rushing and roaring forth to meet it, and licked it up like  
oil. Others drew forth, with clashing noise, upon the ground, great  
sheets of glowing steel, emitting an insupportable heat, and a dull  
deep light like that which reddens in the eyes of savage beasts.  
Through these bewildering sights and deafening sounds, their  
conductor led them to where, in a dark portion of the building, one  
furnace burnt by night and day - so, at least, they gathered from the  
motion of his lips, for as yet they could only see him speak: not hear  
him. The man who had been watching this fire, and whose task was  
ended for the present, gladly withdrew, and left them with their friend,  
who, spreading Nell's little cloak upon a heap of ashes, and showing  

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