475 | 476 | 477 | 478 | 479 |
1 | 153 | 306 | 459 | 612 |
While those with unctuous fir foment the flame.
Twas then Melantho with imperious mien
Renew'd the attack, incontinent of spleen:
Avaunt (she cried), offensive to my sight!
Deem not in ambush here to lurk by night,
Into the woman-state asquint to pry;
A day-devourer, and an evening spy!
Vagrant, begone! before this blazing brand
Shall urge"--and waved it hissing in her hand.
The insulted hero rolls his wrathful eyes
And "Why so turbulent of soul? (he cries;)
Can these lean shrivell'd limbs, unnerved with age,
These poor but honest rags, enkindle rage?
In crowds, we wear the badge of hungry fate:
And beg, degraded from superior state!
Constrain'd a rent-charge on the rich I live;
Reduced to crave the good I once could give:
A palace, wealth, and slaves, I late possess'd,
And all that makes the great be call'd the bless'd:
My gate, an emblem of my open soul,
Embraced the poor, and dealt a bounteous dole.
Scorn not the sad reverse, injurious maid!
Tis Jove's high will, and be his will obey'd!
Nor think thyself exempt: that rosy prime
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