The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci Complete

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Book 9 of the meeting of rivers and their flow and ebb. The cause is  
the same in the sea, where it is caused by the straits of Gibraltar.  
And again it is caused by whirlpools.  
All seas have their flow and ebb in the same period, but they seem  
to vary because the days do not begin at the same time throughout  
the universe; in such wise as that when it is midday in our  
hemisphere, it is midnight in the opposite hemisphere; and at the  
Eastern boundary of the two hemispheres the night begins which  
follows on the day, and at the Western boundary of these hemispheres  
begins the day, which follows the night from the opposite side.  
Hence it is to be inferred that the above mentioned swelling and  
diminution in the height of the seas, although they take place in  
one and the same space of time, are seen to vary from the above  
mentioned causes. The waters are then withdrawn into the fissures  
which start from the depths of the sea and which ramify inside the  
body of the earth, corresponding to the sources of rivers, which are  
constantly taking from the bottom of the sea the water which has  
flowed into it. A sea of water is incessantly being drawn off from  

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