63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 |
1 | 306 | 613 | 919 | 1225 |
Every point is the termination of an infinite number of lines, which
diverge to form a base, and immediately, from the base the same
lines converge to a pyramid [imaging] both the colour and form. No
sooner is a form created or compounded than suddenly infinite lines
and angles are produced from it; and these lines, distributing
themselves and intersecting each other in the air, give rise to an
infinite number of angles opposite to each other. Given a base, each
opposite angle, will form a triangle having a form and proportion
equal to the larger angle; and if the base goes twice into each of
the 2 lines of the pyramid the smaller triangle will do the same.
Every body in light and shade fills the surrounding air with
infinite images of itself; and these, by infinite pyramids diffused
in the air, represent this body throughout space and on every side.
Each pyramid that is composed of a long assemblage of rays includes
within itself an infinite number of pyramids and each has the same
power as all, and all as each. A circle of equidistant pyramids of
vision will give to their object angles of equal size; and an eye at
each point will see the object of the same size. The body of the
atmosphere is full of infinite pyramids composed of radiating
straight lines, which are produced from the surface of the bodies in
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