582 | 583 | 584 | 585 | 586 |
1 | 306 | 613 | 919 | 1225 |
Pl. LXXXIV, No. 11. The exterior has the form of an octagon, but the
chapels project partly beyond it. On the left side of the sketch
they appear larger than on the right side.
Pl. XC, No. 1, (MS. B, 25b); Repetition of Pl. LXXXIV, No. 11.
Pl. XC, No. 2. Elevation to the plan No. 1, and also to No. 6 of the
same sheet.
E. By chapels formed by four niches:
Pl. LXXXIV, No. 7 (the circular plan on the left below) shows this
arrangement in which the central dome has become circular inside and
might therefore be classed after this group. [Footnote 1: This plan
and some others of this class remind us of the plan of the Mausoleum
of Augustus as it is represented for instance by Durand. See Cab.
des Estampes, Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, Topographie de Rome, V,
, 82.]
The sketch on the right hand side gives most likely the elevation
for the last named plan.
F. By chapels of still richer combinations, which necessitate an
octagon of larger dimensions:
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