The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci Complete

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first some black and then some stiff white and each time leaving it  
to dry; then smooth it and polish it.  
On the preparation and use of colours (618-627).  
To make a fine green take green and mix it with bitumen and you will  
make the shadows darker. Then, for lighter [shades] green with  
yellow ochre, and for still lighter green with yellow, and for the  
high lights pure yellow; then mix green and turmeric together and  
glaze every thing with it. To make a fine red take cinnabar or red  
chalk or burnt ochre for the dark shadows and for the lighter ones  
red chalk and vermilion and for the lights pure vermilion and then  
glaze with fine lake. To make good oil for painting. One part of  
oil, one of the first refining and one of the second.  
Use black in the shadow, and in the lights white, yellow, green,  
vermilion and lake. Medium shadows; take the shadow as above and mix  
it with the flesh tints just alluded to, adding to it a little  
yellow and a little green and occasionally some lake; for the  
shadows take green and lake for the middle shades.  
[Footnote 618 and 619: If we may judge from the flourishes with  

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