The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci Complete

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devoured them till they bled, crouching with their breast down on  
their knees in their intense and unbearable anguish. Herds of  
animals were to be seen, such as horses, oxen, goats and swine  
already environed by the waters and left isolated on the high peaks  
of the mountains, huddled together, those in the middle climbing to  
the top and treading on the others, and fighting fiercely  
themselves; and many would die for lack of food. Already had the  
birds begun to settle on men and on other animals, finding no land  
uncovered which was not occupied by living beings, and already had  
famine, the minister of death, taken the lives of the greater number  
of the animals, when the dead bodies, now fermented, where leaving  
the depth of the waters and were rising to the top. Among the  
buffeting waves, where they were beating one against the other, and,  
like as balls full of air, rebounded from the point of concussion,  
these found a resting place on the bodies of the dead. And above  
these judgements, the air was seen covered with dark clouds, riven  
by the forked flashes of the raging bolts of heaven, lighting up on  
all sides the depth of the gloom.  
The motion of the air is seen by the motion of the dust thrown up by  
the horse's running and this motion is as swift in again filling up  
the vacuum left in the air which enclosed the horse, as he is rapid  
in passing away from the air.  
Perhaps it will seem to you that you may reproach me with having  
represented the currents made through the air by the motion of the  

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