The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci Complete

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accompanied by clouds of sand blown up from the sea shore, and  
boughs and leaves swept along by the strength and fury of the blast  
and scattered with other light objects through the air. Trees and  
plants must be bent to the ground, almost as if they would follow  
the course of the gale, with their branches twisted out of their  
natural growth and their leaves tossed and turned about [Footnote  
1: See Pl. XL, No. 2.]. Of the men who are there some must have  
fallen to the ground and be entangled in their garments, and hardly  
to be recognized for the dust, while those who remain standing may  
be behind some tree, with their arms round it that the wind may not  
tear them away; others with their hands over their eyes for the  
dust, bending to the ground with their clothes and hair streaming in  
the wind. [Footnote 15: See Pl. XXXIV, the right hand lower sketch.]  
Let the sea be rough and tempestuous and full of foam whirled among  
the lofty waves, while the wind flings the lighter spray through the  
stormy air, till it resembles a dense and swathing mist. Of the  
ships that are therein some should be shown with rent sails and the  
tatters fluttering through the air, with ropes broken and masts  
split and fallen. And the ship itself lying in the trough of the sea  
and wrecked by the fury of the waves with the men shrieking and  
clinging to the fragments of the vessel. Make the clouds driven by  
the impetuosity of the wind and flung against the lofty mountain  
tops, and wreathed and torn like waves beating upon rocks; the air  
itself terrible from the deep darkness caused by the dust and fog  
and heavy clouds.  

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