The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci Complete

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n m a, therefore x y is three times as dark as z g; x f, by  
intersection faces o b and by direct line o n m a, therefore we  
must say that the shadow between f x will be four times as dark as  
the shadow z g, because it faces four times as much shadow.  
Let a b be the side where the primary shadow is, and b c the  
primary light, d will be the spot where it is intercepted,f g  
the derived shadow and f e the derived light.  
And this must be at the beginning of the explanation.  
[Footnote: In the original MS. the text of No. 252 precedes the one  
given here. In the text of No. 215 there is a blank space of about  
four lines between the lines 2 and 3. The diagram given on Pl. VI,  
No. 2 is placed between lines 4 and 5. Between lines 5 and 6 there  
is another space of about three lines and one line left blank  
between lines 8 and 9. The reader will find the meaning of the whole  
passage much clearer if he first reads the final lines 11--13.  
Compare also line 4 of No. 270.]  
On relative proportion of light and shadows (216--221).  
That part of the surface of a body on which the images [reflection]  
from other bodies placed opposite fall at the largest angle will  

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