1069 | 1070 | 1071 | 1072 | 1073 |
1 | 306 | 613 | 919 | 1225 |
meaning to be worth hazarding.]
Description of the cause of this fall of the mountain [Footnote 30:
Ruina del monte. Of course by an earthquake. In a catalogue of
earthquakes, entitled kechf aussalssaleb an auasf ezzel-zeleh, and
written by Djelal eddin].
The mischief it did.
32] Fall of snow.
The finding of the prophet [33].
His prophesy.
[35] The inundation of the lower portion of Eastern Armenia, the
draining of which was effected by the cutting through the Taurus
How the new prophet showed [Footnote 40:Nova profeta, 1. 33,
profeta. Mohammed. Leonardo here refers to the Koran:
In the name of the most merciful God.--When the earth shall be
shaken by an earthquake; and the earth shall cast forth her burdens;
and a man shall say, what aileth her? On that day the earth shall
declare her tidings, for that thy Lord will inspire her. On that day
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