822 | 823 | 824 | 825 | 826 |
1 | 236 | 472 | 708 | 944 |
years more to live, as he died in 1707.
My Lord Eure."
My Lord Annesley."
Did you know Lord Linnæus Clancharlie?"
A man of bygone days. Yes I did."
He died in Switzerland?"
Yes; we were relations."
He was a republican under Cromwell, and remained a republican under
Charles II.?"
"A republican? Not at all! He was sulking. He had a personal quarrel
with the king. I know from good authority that Lord Clancharlie would
have returned to his allegiance, if they had given him the office of
Chancellor, which Lord Hyde held."
"You astonish me, Lord Eure. I had heard that Lord Clancharlie was an
honest politician."
"An honest politician! does such a thing exist? Young man, there is no
such thing."
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