206 | 207 | 208 | 209 | 210 |
1 | 236 | 472 | 708 | 944 |
The chief signed, GAIZDORRA: Captal.
The Genoese signed himself under the chief's name. GIANGIRATE.
The Languedocian signed, JACQUES QUARTOURZE: alias, the Narbonnais.
The Provençal signed, LUC-PIERRE CAPGAROUPE, of the Galleys of Mahon.
Under these signatures the doctor added a note:--
Of the crew of three men, the skipper having been washed overboard by a
sea, but two remain, and they have signed."
The two sailors affixed their names underneath the note. The northern
Basque signed himself, GALDEAZUN.
The southern Basque signed, AVE MARIA: Robber.
Then the doctor said,--
Here," said the Provençal.
Have you Hardquanonne's flask?"
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