135 | 136 | 137 | 138 | 139 |
1 | 236 | 472 | 708 | 944 |
That last is a deceitful one," said the skipper.
The blue cloud was growing larger.
If the snow," said the doctor, "is appalling when it slips down the
mountain, think what it is when it falls from the Pole!"
His eye was glassy. The cloud seemed to spread over his face and
simultaneously over the horizon. He continued, in musing tones,--
"Every minute the fatal hour draws nearer. The will of Heaven is about
to be manifested."
The skipper asked himself again this question,--"Is he a madman?"
Skipper," began the doctor, without taking his eyes off the cloud,
have you often crossed the Channel?"
This is the first time."
The doctor, who was absorbed by the blue cloud, and who, as a sponge can
take up but a definite quantity of water, had but a definite measure of
anxiety, displayed no more emotion at this answer of the skipper than
was expressed by a slight shrug of his shoulders.
Quick Jump