The Letters Of Mark Twain, Complete

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had set the lofty window curtains afire with a candle. This sounds kind  
of frightful, whereas when you come to think of it, a burning curtain  
or pile of furniture hasn't any element of danger about it in this  
fortress. There isn't any conceivable way to burn this house down, or  
enable a conflagration on one floor to climb to the next.  
Mrs. Ross laid in our wood, wine and servants for us, and they are  
excellent. She had the house scoured from Cellar to rook the curtains  
washed and put up, all beds pulled to pieces, beaten, washed and put  
together again, and beguiled the Marchese into putting a big porcelain  
stove in the vast central hall. She is a wonderful woman, and we don't  
quite see how or when we should have gotten under way without her.  
Observe our address above--the post delivers letters daily at the house.  
Even with the work and fuss of settling the house Livy has improved--and  
the best is yet to come. There is going to be absolute seclusion here--a  
hermit life, in fact. We (the rest of us) shall run over to the Ross's  
frequently, and they will come here now and then and see Livy--that is  
all. Mr. Fiske is away--nobody knows where--and the work on his house  
has been stopped and his servants discharged. Therefore we shall merely  
go Rossing--as far as society is concerned--shan't circulate in Florence  
until Livy shall be well enough to take a share in it.  
This present house is modern. It is not much more than two centuries  
old; but parts of it, and also its foundations are of high antiquity.  

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