The Letters Of Mark Twain, Complete

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mountain-range in which I had discovered, the previous afternoon, a most  
noble face upturned to the sky, and mighty form out stretched, which  
I had named Napoleon Dreaming of Universal Empire--and now, this  
prodigious face, soft, rich, blue, spirituelle, asleep, tranquil,  
reposeful, lay against that giant conflagration of ruddy and golden  
splendors all rayed like a wheel with the upstreaming and far-reaching  
lances of the sun. It made one want to cry for delight, it was so  
supreme in its unimaginable majesty and beauty.  
We had a curious experience today. A little after I had sealed and  
directed my letter to you, in which I said we should make Avignon before  
4, we got lost. We ceased to encounter any village or ruin mentioned  
in our "particularizes" and detailed Guide of the Rhone--went drifting  
along by the hour in a wholly unknown land and on an uncharted river!  
Confound it, we stopped talking and did nothing but stand up in the boat  
and search the horizons with the glass and wonder what in the devil had  
happened. And at last, away yonder at 5 o'clock when some east towers  
and fortresses hove in sight we couldn't recognize them for Avignon--yet  
we knew by the broken bridge that it was Avignon.  
Then we saw what the trouble was--at some time or other we had drifted  
down the wrong side of an island and followed a sluggish branch of the  
Rhone not frequented in modern times. We lost an hour and a half by it  
and missed one of the most picturesque and gigantic and history-sodden  
masses of castellated medieval ruin that Europe can show.  

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