The Letters Of Mark Twain, Complete

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To W. D. Howells, in Boston:  
HARTFORD, May 20, '91.  
DEAR HOWELLS,--For her health's sake Mrs. Clemens must try baths  
somewhere, and this it is that has determined us to go to Europe.  
The water required seems to be provided at a little obscure and  
little-visited nook up in the hills back of the Rhine somewhere and you  
get to it by Rhine traffic-boat and country stage-coach. Come, get "sick  
or sorry enough" and join us. We shall be a little while at that bath,  
and the rest of the summer at Annecy (this confidential to you) in Haute  
Savoie, 22 miles from Geneva. Spend the winters in Berlin. I don't know  
how long we shall be in Europe--I have a vote, but I don't cast it. I'm  
going to do whatever the others desire, with leave to change their mind,  
without prejudice, whenever they want to. Travel has no longer, any  
charm for me. I have seen all the foreign countries I want to see except  
heaven and hell, and I have only a vague curiosity as concerns one of  
I found I couldn't use the play--I had departed too far from its  
lines when I came to look at it. I thought I might get a great deal of  
dialogue out of it, but I got only 15 loosely written pages--they saved  

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