The Letters Of Mark Twain, Complete

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time. Familiar? My splendid Kipling himself hasn't a more  
burnt-in, hard-baked, and unforgetable familiarity with that  
death-on-the-pale-horse-with-hell-following-after, which is a raw  
soldier's first fortnight in the field--and which, without any doubt, is  
the most tremendous fortnight and the vividest he is ever going to see.  
Yes, and I have shoveled silver tailings in a quartz-mill a couple of  
weeks, and acquired the last possibilities of culture in that direction.  
And I've done "pocket-mining" during three months in the one little  
patch of ground in the whole globe where Nature conceals gold in  
pockets--or did before we robbed all of those pockets and exhausted,  
obliterated, annihilated the most curious freak Nature ever indulged in.  
There are not thirty men left alive who, being told there was a pocket  
hidden on the broad slope of a mountain, would know how to go and find  
it, or have even the faintest idea of how to set about it; but I am one  
of the possible 20 or 30 who possess the secret, and I could go and put  
my hand on that hidden treasure with a most deadly precision.  
And I've been a prospector, and know pay rock from poor when I find  
it--just with a touch of the tongue. And I've been a silver miner and  
know how to dig and shovel and drill and put in a blast. And so I know  
the mines and the miners interiorly as well as Bret Harte knows them  
And I was a newspaper reporter four years in cities, and so saw the  
inside of many things; and was reporter in a legislature two sessions  

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