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This was the summer of the Blaine-Cleveland campaign. Mark
Twain, in company with many other leading men, had
mugwumped, and was supporting Cleveland. From the next
letter we gather something of the aspects of that memorable
campaign, which was one of scandal and vituperation. We
learn, too, that the young sculptor, Karl Gerhardt, having
completed a three years' study in Paris, had returned to
America a qualified artist.
To W. D. Howells, in Boston:
ELMIRA, Aug. 21, '84.
MY DEAR HOWELLS,--This presidential campaign is too delicious for
anything. Isn't human nature the most consummate sham and lie that was
ever invented? Isn't man a creature to be ashamed of in pretty much all
his aspects? Man, "know thyself "--and then thou wilt despise thyself,
to a dead moral certainty. Take three quite good specimens--Hawley,
Warner, and Charley Clark. Even I do not loathe Blaine more than they
do; yet Hawley is howling for Blaine, Warner and Clark are eating their
daily crow in the paper for him, and all three will vote for him. O
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