The Letters Of Mark Twain, Complete

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And presently it was dinner time and "Karl" arrived--a slender young  
fellow with a marvelous head and a noble eye--and he was as simple and  
natural, and as beautiful in spirit as his wife was. But she had to do  
the talking--mainly--there was too much thought behind his cavernous  
eyes for glib speech.  
I went home enchanted. Told Livy and Clara Spaulding all about the  
paradise down yonder where those two enthusiasts are happy with a  
yearly expense of $350. Livy and Clara went there next day and came away  
enchanted. A few nights later the Gerhardts kept their promise and came  
here for the evening. It was billiard night and I had company and so  
was not down; but Livy and Clara became more charmed with these children  
than ever.  
Warner and I planned to get somebody to criticise the statue whose  
judgment would be worth something. So I laid for Champney, and after two  
failures I captured him and took him around, and he said "this statue  
is full of faults--but it has merits enough in it to make up for  
them"--whereat the young wife danced around as delighted as a child.  
When we came away, Champney said, "I did not want to say too much there,  
but the truth is, it seems to me an extraordinary performance for an  
untrained hand. You ask if there is promise enough there to justify  
the Hartford folk in going to an expense of training this young man. I  
should say, yes, decidedly; but still, to make everything safe, you had  
better get the judgment of a sculptor."  

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