The Letters Of Mark Twain, Complete

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Yrs ever,  
The Howells story, running at this time in the Atlantic, and so much  
enjoyed by the Clemens party, was "The Lady of the Aroostook." The  
suggestions made for enlarging the part of the "old man" are  
eminently characteristic.  
Mark Twain's forty-third birthday came in Munich, and in his letter  
conveying this fact to his mother we get a brief added outline of  
the daily life in that old Bavarian city. Certainly, it would seem  
to have been a quieter and more profitable existence than he had  
known amid the confusion of things left behind in, America.  
To Mrs. Jane Clemens and Mrs. Moffett, in America:  
No. 1a Karlstrasse,  
Dec. 1, MUNICH. 1878.  

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