363 | 364 | 365 | 366 | 367 |
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trademark. To win one or two suits of this kind will set literary folks
on a firmer bottom. I wish Osgood would sue for stealing Holmes's poem.
Wouldn't it be gorgeous to sue R---- for petty larceny? I will promise
to go into court and swear I think him capable of stealing pea-nuts from
a blind pedlar.
Yrs ever,
Of course Howells promptly replied that he would read the story,
adding: "You've no idea what I may ask you to do for me, some day.
I'm sorry that you can't do it for the Atlantic, but I
succumb. Perhaps you will do Boy No. 2 for us." Clemens,
conscience-stricken, meantime, hastily put the MS. out of reach
of temptation.
To W. D. Howells, in Boston:
July 13, 1875
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