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different story.
Later, P.M. HOME, 24th '74.
MY DEAR HOWELLS,--I take back the remark that I can't write for the Jan.
number. For Twichell and I have had a long walk in the woods and I got
to telling him about old Mississippi days of steam-boating glory and
grandeur as I saw them (during 5 years) from the pilothouse. He said
"What a virgin subject to hurl into a magazine!" I hadn't thought of
that before. Would you like a series of papers to run through 3 months
or 6 or 9?--or about 4 months, say?
Yrs ever,
Howells himself had come from a family of pilots, and rejoiced in
the idea. A few days later Mark Twain forwarded the first
instalment of the new series--those wonderful chapters that begin,
now, with chapter four in the Mississippi book. Apparently he was
not without doubt concerning the manuscript, and accompanied it with
a brief line.
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