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concluded to go out of the Galaxy on the strength of it, so I have
turned it into the last Memoranda I shall ever write, and published it
as a "specimen chapter" of my forthcoming book.
I have written the Galaxy people that I will never furnish them
another article long or short, for any price but $500.00 cash--and have
requested them not to ask me for contributions any more, even at that
I hope that lets them out, for I will stick to that. Now do try
and leave me clear out of the 'Publisher' for the present, for I am
endangering my reputation by writing too much--I want to get out of the
public view for awhile.
I am still nursing Livy night and day and cannot write anything. I
am nearly worn out. We shall go to Elmira ten days hence (if Livy can
travel on a mattress then,) and stay there till I have finished the
California book--say three months. But I can't begin work right away
when I get there--must have a week's rest, for I have been through 30
days' terrific siege.
That makes it after the middle of March before I can go fairly to
work--and then I'll have to hump myself and not lose a moment. You and
Bliss just put yourselves in my place and you will see that my hands are
full and more than full.
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