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To Orion Clemens, in St. Louis:
ELMIRA, July 15, 1870
MY DEAR BRO.,--Per contract I must have another 600-page book ready for
my publisher Jan. 2, and I only began it today. The subject of it is a
secret, because I may possibly change it. But as it stands, I propose to
do up Nevada and Cal., beginning with the trip across the country in the
stage. Have you a memorandum of the route we took--or the names of any
of the Stations we stopped at? Do you remember any of the scenes, names,
incidents or adventures of the coach trip?--for I remember next to
nothing about the matter. Jot down a foolscap page of items for me. I
wish I could have two days' talk with you.
I suppose I am to get the biggest copyright, this time, ever paid on a
subscription book in this country.
Give our love to Mollie.--Mr. Langdon is very low.
Yr Bro
The "biggest copyright," mentioned in this letter, was a royalty of
1/2 per cent., which Bliss had agreed to pay, on the retail price
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