The Letters Of Mark Twain, Complete

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other hand, the next letter adds something of interest to the  
book-circumstances which a modest author would necessarily omit.  
To Mrs. Jane Clemens and family, in St. Louis:  
YALTA, RUSSIA, Aug. 25, 1867.  
DEAR FOLKS,--We have been representing the United States all we knew  
today. We went to Sebastopol, after we got tired of Constantinople (got  
your letter there, and one at Naples,) and there the Commandant and the  
whole town came aboard and were as jolly and sociable as old friends.  
They said the Emperor of Russia was at Yalta, 30 miles or 40 away, and  
urged us to go there with the ship and visit him--promised us a cordial  
welcome. They insisted on sending a telegram to the Emperor, and also  
a courier overland to announce our coming. But we knew that a great  
English Excursion party, and also the Viceroy of Egypt, in his splendid  
yacht, had been refused an audience within the last fortnight, so we  
thought it not safe to try it. They said, no difference--the Emperor  
would hardly visit our ship, because that would be a most extraordinary  
favor, and one which he uniformly refuses to accord under any  
circumstances, but he would certainly receive us at his palace. We still  

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