161 | 162 | 163 | 164 | 165 |
1 | 314 | 629 | 943 | 1257 |
from his own hand, for he had ordered the papers to which he
was to contribute--the Alta and the New York Tribune--sent
to them, and these would give the story of his travels. The
home letters read like notebook entries.
Letters to Mrs. Jane Clemens and family, in St. Louis:
FAYAL (Azores,) June 20th, 1867.
DEAR FOLKS,--We are having a lively time here, after a stormy trip. We
meant to go to San Miguel, but were driven here by stress of weather.
Beautiful climate.
GIBRALTAR, June 30th, 1867.
DEAR FOLKS,--Arrived here this morning, and am clear worn out with
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