The Letters Of Mark Twain, Complete

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They say it has all the merits of the original and keeps still, besides.  
It sounds like flattery, but it is just true.  
I suppose you will get a prize, because you have created the most  
prodigious and in all ways most wonderful Fair the planet has ever seen.  
Very well, you have indeed earned it: and with it the gratitude of the  
State and the nation.  
Sincerely yours,  
It was only a few days after the foregoing was written that death  
entered Villa Quarto--unexpectedly at last--for with the first June  
days Mrs. Clemens had seemed really to improve. It was on Sunday,  
June 5th, that the end came. Clemens, with his daughter Jean, had  
returned from a long drive, during which they had visited a Villa  
with the thought of purchase. On their return they were told that  
their patient had been better that afternoon than for three months.  
Yet it was only a few hours later that she left them, so suddenly  
and quietly that even those near her did not at first realize that  
she was gone.  

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