The Letters Of Mark Twain, Complete

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To Rev. J. H. Twichell, in Hartford:  
FLORENCE, Jan. 7, '04.  
DEAR JOE,--... I have had a handsome success, in one way, here. I left  
New York under a sort of half promise to furnish to the Harper magazines  
0,000 words this year. Magazining is difficult work because every third  
page represents 2 pages that you have put in the fire; (because you  
are nearly sure to start wrong twice) and so when you have finished  
an article and are willing to let it go to print it represents only 10  
cents a word instead of 30.  
But this time I had the curious (and unprecedented) luck to start right  
in each case. I turned out 37,000 words in 25 working days; and the  
reason I think I started right every time is, that not only have I  
approved and accepted the several articles, but the court of last resort  
(Livy) has done the same.  
On many of the between-days I did some work, but only of an idle and not  
necessarily necessary sort, since it will not see print until I am  
dead. I shall continue this (an hour per day) but the rest of the year  

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