The Letters Of Mark Twain, Complete

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that it could be done until Mark Twain's work shall have its fair share  
of historical perspective. But Shakespeare was a humorist and so, thank  
Heaven! is Mark Twain. And Shakespeare plunged deep into the deep, sad  
things of life; and so, in a different way (but in a way that has more  
than once brought tears to my eyes) has Mark Twain. But after all,  
it isn't because of any resemblance for anything that was ever before  
written that Mark Twain's books strike in so deep: it's rather because  
they've brought something really new into our literature--new, yet old  
as Adam and Eve and the Apple. And this achievement, the achievement  
of putting something into literature that was not there before, is, I  
should think, the most that any writer can ever hope to do. It is the  
one mark of distinction between the "lonesome" little group of big men  
and the vast herd of medium and small ones. Anyhow, this much I am sure  
of--to the young man who hopes, however feebly, to accomplish a little  
something, someday, as a writer, the one inspiring example of our time  
is Mark Twain.  
Very truly yours,  
Mark Twain once said he could live a month on a good compliment, and  
from his reply, we may believe this one to belong in, that class.  

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