452 | 453 | 454 | 455 | 456 |
1 | 154 | 308 | 461 | 615 |
from Adrian, who was obliged to give his whole time to public business. The
Countess of Windsor travelled with her son. Clara, Evelyn, and a female who
acted as our attendant, were the only persons with whom we had contact. We
occupied a commodious carriage, our servant officiated as coachman. A party
of about twenty persons preceded us at a small distance. They had it in
charge to prepare our halting places and our nightly abode. They had been
selected for this service out of a great number that offered, on account of
the superior sagacity of the man who had been appointed their leader.
Immediately on our departure, I was delighted to find a change in Idris,
which I fondly hoped prognosticated the happiest results. All the
cheerfulness and gentle gaiety natural to her revived. She was weak, and
this alteration was rather displayed in looks and voice than in acts; but
it was permanent and real. My recovery from the plague and confirmed health
instilled into her a firm belief that I was now secure from this dread
enemy. She told me that she was sure she should recover. That she had a
presentiment, that the tide of calamity which deluged our unhappy race had
now turned. That the remnant would be preserved, and among them the dear
objects of her tender affection; and that in some selected spot we should
wear out our lives together in pleasant society. "Do not let my state of
feebleness deceive you," she said; "I feel that I am better; there is a
quick life within me, and a spirit of anticipation that assures me, that I
shall continue long to make a part of this world. I shall throw off this
degrading weakness of body, which infects even my mind with debility, and I
shall enter again on the performance of my duties. I was sorry to leave
Windsor: but now I am weaned from this local attachment; I am content to
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