The Last Man

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It devolved on me to disclose our plan to Idris. The images of health and  
hope which I presented to her, made her with a smile consent. With a smile  
she agreed to leave her country, from which she had never before been  
absent, and the spot she had inhabited from infancy; the forest and its  
mighty trees, the woodland paths and green recesses, where she had played  
in childhood, and had lived so happily through youth; she would leave them  
without regret, for she hoped to purchase thus the lives of her children.  
They were her life; dearer than a spot consecrated to love, dearer than all  
else the earth contained. The boys heard with childish glee of our removal:  
Clara asked if we were to go to Athens. "It is possible," I replied; and  
her countenance became radiant with pleasure. There she would behold the  
tomb of her parents, and the territory filled with recollections of her  
father's glory. In silence, but without respite, she had brooded over these  
scenes. It was the recollection of them that had turned her infant gaiety  
to seriousness, and had impressed her with high and restless thoughts.  
There were many dear friends whom we must not leave behind, humble though  
they were. There was the spirited and obedient steed which Lord Raymond had  
given his daughter; there was Alfred's dog and a pet eagle, whose sight was  
dimmed through age. But this catalogue of favourites to be taken with us,  
could not be made without grief to think of our heavy losses, and a deep  
sigh for the many things we must leave behind. The tears rushed into the  
eyes of Idris, while Alfred and Evelyn brought now a favourite rose tree,  
now a marble vase beautifully carved, insisting that these must go, and  
exclaiming on the pity that we could not take the castle and the forest,  

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