The Last Man

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entered with soothing awe the lighted chancel, and listened to the solemn  
religious chaunt, which spoke peace and hope to the unhappy. The notes,  
freighted with man's dearest prayers, re-echoed through the dim aisles, and  
the bleeding of the soul's wounds was staunched by heavenly balm. In spite  
of the misery I deprecated, and could not understand; in spite of the cold  
hearths of wide London, and the corpse-strewn fields of my native land; in  
spite of all the variety of agonizing emotions I had that evening  
experienced, I thought that in reply to our melodious adjurations, the  
Creator looked down in compassion and promise of relief; the awful peal of  
the heaven-winged music seemed fitting voice wherewith to commune with the  
Supreme; calm was produced by its sound, and by the sight of many other  
human creatures offering up prayers and submission with me. A sentiment  
approaching happiness followed the total resignation of one's being to the  
guardianship of the world's ruler. Alas! with the failing of this solemn  
strain, the elevated spirit sank again to earth. Suddenly one of the  
choristers died--he was lifted from his desk, the vaults below were  
hastily opened--he was consigned with a few muttered prayers to the  
darksome cavern, abode of thousands who had gone before--now wide yawning  
to receive even all who fulfilled the funeral rites. In vain I would then  
have turned from this scene, to darkened aisle or lofty dome, echoing with  
melodious praise. In the open air alone I found relief; among nature's  
beauteous works, her God reassumed his attribute of benevolence, and again  
I could trust that he who built up the mountains, planted the forests, and  
poured out the rivers, would erect another state for lost humanity, where  
we might awaken again to our affections, our happiness, and our faith.  

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