The Last Man

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were attempted, it was not unfrequent for a comedian, in the midst of the  
laughter occasioned by his disporportioned buffoonery, to find a word or  
thought in his part that jarred with his own sense of wretchedness, and  
burst from mimic merriment into sobs and tears, while the spectators,  
seized with irresistible sympathy, wept, and the pantomimic revelry was  
changed to a real exhibition of tragic passion.  
It was not in my nature to derive consolation from such scenes; from  
theatres, whose buffoon laughter and discordant mirth awakened distempered  
sympathy, or where fictitious tears and wailings mocked the heart-felt  
grief within; from festival or crowded meeting, where hilarity sprung from  
the worst feelings of our nature, or such enthralment of the better ones,  
as impressed it with garish and false varnish; from assemblies of mourners  
in the guise of revellers. Once however I witnessed a scene of singular  
interest at one of the theatres, where nature overpowered art, as an  
overflowing cataract will tear away the puny manufacture of a mock cascade,  
which had before been fed by a small portion of its waters.  
I had come to London to see Adrian. He was not at the palace; and, though  
the attendants did not know whither he had gone, they did not expect him  
till late at night. It was between six and seven o'clock, a fine summer  
afternoon, and I spent my leisure hours in a ramble through the empty  
streets of London; now turning to avoid an approaching funeral, now urged  
by curiosity to observe the state of a particular spot; my wanderings were  
instinct with pain, for silence and desertion characterized every place I  
visited, and the few beings I met were so pale and woe-begone, so marked  

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