346 | 347 | 348 | 349 | 350 |
1 | 154 | 308 | 461 | 615 |
person rose higher; authority beamed from his countenance. He looked on the
peasant, who began to tremble, while he still gazed; his knees knocked
together; his teeth chattered. He at last fell down in convulsions. "That
man has the plague," said the maniac calmly. A shriek burst from the lips
of the poor wretch; and then sudden motionlessness came over him; it was
manifest to all that he was dead.
Cries of horror filled the place--every one endeavoured to effect his
escape--in a few minutes the market place was cleared--the corpse lay
on the ground; and the maniac, subdued and exhausted, sat beside it,
leaning his gaunt cheek upon his thin hand. Soon some people, deputed by
the magistrates, came to remove the body; the unfortunate being saw a
jailor in each--he fled precipitately, while I passed onwards to the
Death, cruel and relentless, had entered these beloved walls. An old
servant, who had nursed Idris in infancy, and who lived with us more on the
footing of a revered relative than a domestic, had gone a few days before
to visit a daughter, married, and settled in the neighbourhood of London.
On the night of her return she sickened of the plague. From the haughty and
unbending nature of the Countess of Windsor, Idris had few tender filial
associations with her. This good woman had stood in the place of a mother,
and her very deficiencies of education and knowledge, by rendering her
humble and defenceless, endeared her to us--she was the especial
favourite of the children. I found my poor girl, there is no exaggeration
in the expression, wild with grief and dread. She hung over the patient in
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