The Last Man

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Thus we began to feel, with regard to many-visaged death let loose on the  
chosen districts of our fair habitation, and above all, with regard to the  
plague. We feared the coming summer. Nations, bordering on the already  
infected countries, began to enter upon serious plans for the better  
keeping out of the enemy. We, a commercial people, were obliged to bring  
such schemes under consideration; and the question of contagion became  
matter of earnest disquisition.  
That the plague was not what is commonly called contagious, like the  
scarlet fever, or extinct small-pox, was proved. It was called an epidemic.  
But the grand question was still unsettled of how this epidemic was  
generated and increased. If infection depended upon the air, the air was  
subject to infection. As for instance, a typhus fever has been brought by  
ships to one sea-port town; yet the very people who brought it there, were  
incapable of communicating it in a town more fortunately situated. But how  
are we to judge of airs, and pronounce--in such a city plague will die  
unproductive; in such another, nature has provided for it a plentiful  
harvest? In the same way, individuals may escape ninety-nine times, and  
receive the death-blow at the hundredth; because bodies are sometimes in a  
state to reject the infection of malady, and at others, thirsty to imbibe  
it. These reflections made our legislators pause, before they could decide  
on the laws to be put in force. The evil was so wide-spreading, so violent  
and immedicable, that no care, no prevention could be judged superfluous,  
which even added a chance to our escape.  

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