The History of a Crime

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Black Door.  
They turned their steps towards this door, with M. Daru at their head.  
They marched arm in arm and three abreast. Some of them had put on their  
scarves of office. They took them off later on.  
The Black Door, half-open as usual, was only guarded by two sentries.  
Some of the most indignant, and amongst them M. de Kerdrel, rushed  
towards this door and tried to pass. The door, however, was violently  
shut, and there ensued between the Representatives and the sergents de  
ville who hastened up, a species of struggle, in which a Representative  
had his wrist sprained.  
At the same time a battalion which was drawn up on the Place de  
Bourgogne moved on, and came at the double towards the group of  
Representatives. M. Daru, stately and firm, signed to the commander  
to stop; the battalion halted, and M. Daru, in the name of the  
Constitution, and in his capacity as Vice-President of the Assembly,  
summoned the soldiers to lay down their arms, and to give free passage  
to the Representatives of the Sovereign People.  
The commander of the battalion replied by an order to clear the street  
immediately, declaring that there was no longer an Assembly; that as for  
himself, he did not know what the Representatives of the People were,  
and that if those persons before him did not retire of their own accord,  
he would drive them back by force.  

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