The History of a Crime

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One eagle and two flags.  
419 field-guns and mitrailleuses.  
139 heavy pieces.  
1079 vehicles of all kinds.  
60,000 muskets.  
6000 horses, still good for service."  
These German figures are not wholly to be depended upon. According to  
what seems useful at the moment, the Aulic chancellors swell or reduce  
the disaster. There were about 13,000 wounded amongst the prisoners. The  
numbers vary in the official documents. A Prussian report, reckoning up  
the French soldiers killed and wounded in the battle of Sedan, publishes  
this total: Sixteen thousand four hundred men. This number causes a  
shudder. For it is that very number, Sixteen thousand four hundred  
men, which Saint Arnaud had set to work on the Boulevard Montmartre upon  
the 4th of December, 1851.  
Half a league to the north-west of Sedan, near Iges, the bend of the  
Meuse almost forms an island. A canal crosses the isthmus, so that the  
peninsula becomes an island. It was there that there were penned, under  
the stick of the Prussian corporals, 83,000 French soldiers. A few  
sentinels watched over this army.  

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