The History of a Crime

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which it had built, and held the road from Sedan to Mézières. At five  
o'clock, the 2d Bavarian Corps, with the artillery at its head, detached  
one of its divisions, and sent it by Bulson upon Frénois; the other  
division passed by Noyers, and drew up before Sedan, between Frénois and  
Wadelincourt. The artillery of the Reserve was drawn up on the heights  
of the left bank, opposite Donchery.  
At the same time the 6th Cavalry Division was sent from Mazeray, and  
passing by Boutancourt and Bolzicourt, reached the Meuse at Flize; the  
2d Cavalry Division quitted its encampment, and took up its position to  
the south of Boutancourt; the 4th Cavalry Division took up its position  
to the south of Frénois; the 1st Bavarian Corps installed itself at  
Remilly; the 5th Cavalry Division and the 6th Corps were posted to  
observe, and all in line, and order, massed upon the heights waited for  
the dawn to appear. The Crown Prince of Prussia was on horseback on the  
hill of Frénois.  
At the same moment, upon every point of the horizon, other and similar  
movements were taking place from every side. The high hills were  
suddenly overrun by an immense black army. Not one shout of command. Two  
hundred and fifty thousand men came silently to encircle the Givonne  
This is what the circle consisted of,--  
The Bavarians, the right wing, at Bazeilles on the Meuse; next to the  
Bavarians the Saxons, at La Moncelle and Daigny; opposite Givonne, the  
Royal Guard; the 5th Corps at Saint Menges; the 2d at Flaigneux; the  

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