The History of a Crime

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This paradise was a tomb.  
I looked around. The valley was circular and hollow, like the bottom of  
a crater; the winding river resembled a serpent; the high hills, ranged  
one behind the other, surrounded this mysterious spot like a triple line  
of inexorable walls; once there, there is no means of exit. It reminded  
me of the amphitheatres. An indescribable disquieting vegetation which  
seemed to be an extension of the Black Forest, overran all the heights,  
and lost itself in the horizon like a huge impenetrable snare; the sun  
shone, the birds sang, carters passed by whistling; sheep, lambs, and  
pigeons were scattered about, leaves quivered and rustled; the grass, a  
densely thick grass, was full of flowers. It was appalling.  
I seemed to see waving over this valley the flashing of the avenging  
angel's sword.  
This word "Sedan" had been like a veil abruptly torn aside. The  
landscape had become suddenly filled with tragedy. Those shapeless eyes  
which the bark of trees delineates on the trunks were gazing--at what?  
At something terrible and lost to view.  
In truth, that was the place! And at the moment when I was passing by  
thirteen months all but a few days had elapsed. That was the place where  
the monstrous enterprise of the 2d of December had burst asunder. A  
fearful shipwreck.  
The gloomy pathways of Fate cannot be studied without profound anguish  

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