The History of a Crime

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have been a massacre. Was I right? Was I wrong?  
The crowd thickened around us, and it became difficult to go forward. We  
were anxious, however, to reach the rendezvous at Bonvalet's.  
Suddenly some one touched me on the arm. It was Léopold Duras, of the  
"Go no further," he whispered, "the Restaurant Bonvalet is surrounded.  
Michel de Bourges has attempted to harangue the People, but the soldiers  
came up. He barely succeeded in making his escape. Numerous  
Representatives who came to the meeting have been arrested. Retrace your  
steps. We are returning to the old rendezvous in the Rue Blanche. I  
have been looking for you to tell you this."  
A cab was passing; Charamaule hailed the driver. We jumped in, followed  
by the crowd, shouting, "Vive la République! Vive Victor Hugo!"  
It appears that just at that moment a squadron of sergents de ville  
arrived on the Boulevard to arrest me. The coachman drove off at full  
speed. A quarter of an hour afterwards we reached the Rue Blanche.  

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